About me


I am an amateur potter based in the UK in a large village on the edge of the Cambridgeshire fens.

Where I work

When lockdown was announced in March 2020 the thought of no longer being able to 'pot' at my local college evening class spurred me to finally do something I'd been meaning to do for ages – set up a pottery studio  in our garage.

In the week before everything shut down, my daughter helped me clear a small space, then we went on the hunt for second-hand furniture and flat-pack shelving. I borrowed a portable wheel from my pottery teacher, and ordered various supplies online.

The space immediately became my happy place. When you are working with clay, everything else, any worries or stresses, fade into the background as you concentrate completely on what you are doing.

And then there's Kiln

As yet, I don't have my own kiln, so have been reliant on some very kind friends who have lent me space in theirs. But now I am also very lucky to have membership of a wonderful open access studio in Cambridge called Kiln. Here I can work alongside other potters and take advantage of the brilliant facilities, including the electric and gas kilns.

My classes have also started up again, as there is still so much to learn. My aim is to improve my practice, find my own creative voice, and maybe eventually transition from my day job as a freelance editor, to a freelance potter.

Top: A row of glazed mugs waiting to be fired

Above: My happy space

Left: Freshly thrown pots at Kiln.

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